D.O.A.A. Revamp WSOD
Who: All Daily Orange alumni
What: You’re invited to help rebuild The Daily Orange Alumni Association. To start, The D.O. Board of Directors has approved a set of pilot bylaws that includes types of membership for all D.O. graduates and a comprehensive D.O.A.A. Board of Directors to oversee the organization. Now, we need alumni like you to nominate former coworkers – or even yourself – to the new alumni board. Be sure to check out the pilot bylaws and D.O.A.A. Board of Directors member breakdown for more information.
When: Nominations will be accepted until May 31.
Where: Submit nominations via buttons to the right.
Why: The D.O.A.A. has the opportunity to provide professional development, networking and community events for our alumni – in addition to support for The D.O. itself. An alumni association that could formally harness that potential is something our alumni both deserve and would benefit from. But we can’t do it without the enthusiastic support and participation of D.O. alumni – that means you!