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Reflecting on former President Jimmy Carter’s 1976 visit to Syracuse

Reflecting on former President Jimmy Carter’s 1976 visit to Syracuse

In his speech, Carter addressed issues from his campaign, outlining his plans to fix the economy and rebuild the people’s trust in the United States government. Courtesy of Stephen Wilkes

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On a rainy, windswept October morning in 1976, Jimmy Carter, then-Democratic presidential candidate, delivered a speech outside of the Syracuse Hotel in front of 8,000 spectators. Three weeks before being elected to the oval office, he addressed the crowd and emphasized trust, economic growth and job creation.

As Election Day approached, the Georgia governor used his trip to Syracuse to connect with central New York’s blue-collar workforce and push his economic agenda. Robert J. Searing, curator of history at the Onondaga Historical Association, said Carter demonstrated his authenticity and commitment to others during the visit.

“He was famously referred to as ‘Jimmy Who’ when he first started to run,” Searing said. “His unknown qualities were a real positive for him as a candidate. The way he carried himself, his authentic persona, which wasn’t really a persona at all, it was the man himself.”

Nearly half of a century after his visit, the former president died at 100 years old.

In his speech, Carter addressed issues from his campaign, outlining his plans to fix the economy and rebuild the people’s trust in the United States government. He also discussed the controversial swine flu vaccine and reiterated his commitment to calling for a freeze on American missiles and warheads.

Between gusts of wind, the soon-to-be president described America’s bleak economic situation, noting there were 2.5 million more unemployed Americans than a year prior, a record deficit, and ever-rising interest rates.

Unlike others in Washington D.C., Carter was known for his long-term focus on allocating funds for emergency job creation in public service sectors, rather than opting for a tax cut, which would have provided a quicker stimulus boost for the economy.

He focused on prioritizing the workforce by tackling high inflation rates in the U.S. and creating more job opportunities, Searing said. Carter’s ability to resonate with people in Syracuse was crucial, as he aimed to build on the growing movement among disillusioned Rust Belt voters.

“You help me in November, and I’ll help you in January,” Carter said repeatedly during his speech.

Stephen Wilkes, then a freshman photojournalism student at Syracuse University, said he was fortunate to witness the “magic” of Carter that day, alongside 8,000 eager spectators. He said he looks back on the opportunity to photograph the event as a career-defining moment.

“He just had this physicality to him, you know, a big presence in a room,” Wilkes said. “The energy in the room was palpable … You could feel the flame go out when he left.”

The momentum built in Syracuse reflected a broader sense across the country that change was beginning to take shape, Searing said. Carter’s speech in Syracuse mirrored his political style: straightforward, focused on morality and positioning government as a tool to serve the public.

Carter reflected on the words of former Syracuse resident Father Theodore Hesburgh, who wrote “How to be a Good President,” which emphasized the importance of “being human.” Carter promised to implement this principle in his presidency, saying “If I can cling to … that basis, we’ll have a great country again,” the Onondaga Community College Student Newspaper reported.

In 1976, the American political landscape was defined by fear and uncertainty. Americans sought trustworthy leadership to help navigate the challenges of the tumultuous years leading up to the election, including the end of the Vietnam War, the economic impact of “stagflation” and rising unemployment rates, Searing said.

Carter’s call for change and clear political stances fueled his popularity, and his visit to Syracuse cemented his reputation as a man of the people — someone who could connect with everyone, Wilkes said.

As a former peanut farmer, Carter was seen as someone who understood the value of hard work, compared to the political elites of Washington at the time, which Wilkes said was viewed as refreshing after the Watergate scandal. He added that Carter came across as charismatic but, even more notably, transparent and authentic.

The 24mm wide-angle lens Wilkes used to capture the event granted an intimate view of Carter’s speech, highlighting the human connection the former president shared with the crowd, he said. Wilkes recalled when Carter gestured with his arms above the crowd and said the photo he captured in that instance remains a powerful image.

“When he lifted his arms like that, it was just, wow,” Wilkes said. “It really captured the feeling in the room. It was as if he was embracing everyone in the room at the moment.”

Carter went on to win the presidency weeks later, defeating incumbent Gerald Ford. His visit to Syracuse, along with other stops from the campaign trail, helped solidify his image as someone connected to the American people – a bond which carried him through his presidency and the rest of his life, Wilkes said.

Carter is seen as an example of a dedicated public servant, both during and after his presidency, remaining deeply engaged in meaningful initiatives throughout his century-long life, Searing said.

“Whatever you think about his presidency, Carter was always about trying to make a difference in the world, and you could feel that in his presence,” Wilkes said. “That’s what people really connected with.”
