Duck: Lars Jendruschewitz

Flynn Ledoux | Illustration Editor
“When I first toured SU a couple years ago, I knew immediately that I wanted to be part of the Daily Orange.” That’s how many of the ducks you will read this semester will start. For me, the journey was different. I came to SU wanting to just photograph and make my dream a reality. Four hundred forty days after I first stepped foot in this house, it is now time for me to say goodbye for now.
At the start of last year, I told myself after attending the Newhouse Activity Fair to apply to 10 student organizations. The D.O. was last on that list. Looking back, though, I have no regrets about basically spending my entire college life at this place.
Kelly Matlock: Where else should I begin? Our first coverage was probably to date one of my craziest and most remembered ever. You’re awesome and event trackers aren’t the same without you.
Cassie Roshu: We made it, Cassandra. I hope you know how grateful I am for everything you’ve done for me. From taking the chance with me early last year to all the times this year when you were just there when I needed it, thank you for that. You’re such a talented photographer and I can’t wait to see where you’re going in the next few years.
Maxine Brackbill: Thank you for believing in me as well. You and Cassie really set me up with a fantastic foundation to bring this section where it is today. I can’t wait to see what you do next, I am and will forever be impressed!
Meghan Hendricks: What you’ve done is incredible, Meghan. I feel like all the work I’m currently doing just builds on the foundation you set during your three (!!!) semesters in this position. And while I still don’t understand how you made it for that long, I feel what led you to continue after one semester, the pain of handing this section off is definitely real. Thanks for always being there and sharing all your wisdom with me.
Solange Jain: You’re gonna do a fantastic job next semester. I’m really excited to see what you can do to continue driving the section forward. And I will be there for you if you need any help, advice or just need to talk to anybody who gets the struggle. But don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the journey. This will be the hardest semester while you’re in college but it’s incredibly rewarding and ends much faster than you can imagine. Enjoy the ride!
Ella Chan: Thanks for the fantastic semester we had together! I know you’re gonna go even stronger next semester and am looking forward to growing next to you for the rest of our time.
Brycen Pace: It’s been real dude. Thanks for your work this semester, I know there are great things coming up for you.
Joe Zhao: Joe, you gotta be the most talented photographer I know. Every time I see your photos I am impressed again. Your commitment to this place is truly unmatched and I can’t wait to see what’s next for you! Looking forward to seeing you win real big, you truly deserve all the success in the world.
Jacob Halsema: Talking about talented photographers, your sports photos are absolutely incredible. Not only am I impressed every time I see your photos but you’ve been so supportive and just a wonderful person this whole semester and I want to thank you for that. Looking forward to learning from you next semester.
Leo Eriman: When I first saw your name pop up on my social media, I knew I wanted you to photograph for us. I’m super happy you’re still going to be working in-house next semester. You’re going places, just keep growing and impressing me one coverage at a time.
Lucía: I don’t know how you do it Lucía. The job you are doing is incredible and you are one of the most genuine people I know. Your caring nature combined with your unmatched enthusiasm for the work truly makes vis the best section.
Cole Ross: You’re so funny and talented and it was a pleasure sharing a room with you this semester.
Flynn Ledoux: You’re so talented, Flynn! Every time I see one of your illos, I’m just in awe. Love to see that you’re blessing the D.O. with your talents for another semester.
Ben Butler: You’re amazing, Ben! Thanks for making this semester so special for me. Photographing for your stories has truly been one of the best parts of this year. And, because how else could I end this, for one final time, no period at the end of my sentence
Rose Boehm: It’s been a ride. But I truly enjoyed every single minute we got to spend together this semester. And I’m truly excited for what you’ll do next year.
Culture F’24: Y’all are supreme. Such a great group of people, I’ve enjoyed working (and yapping) with y’all every single time when I knew I had to just procrastinate a little longer on my work.
Liv Boyer: Thanks for making this house feel like a home and I really hope London treated you well.
Julia Boehning: It’s been a pleasure working alongside you this semester, I admire your dedication to the news section. Excited for one final coverage together. I also wish I loved anything as much as you love Student Association.
News F’24: You guys are great. Please continue being awesome and doing the important work, I will be there cheering for you guys!
Stephanie Wright: Our all-fearless leader, you did such a fantastic job this semester! Thanks for all the support, advice, and fun, I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else (and I know how much you love my writing so I left the Oxford comma in, hope you enjoy).
Cooper Andrews: Dude, you’re the man. I don’t know how you do your job so well while still being super supportive and fun for everyone on staff. Looking forward to working more on sports stuff, you had me ever since that Rochester trip.
Sophie Szydlik: Our coverages are genuinely some of the most fun I have been on. Please know that you’re missed in the house but I’m looking forward to going to weird places again if you have more of your genius ideas.
Designers: Thank you for sharing this room with me, I’m always looking forward to print nights. You guys just bring this special energy into the house, knowing damn well that you’re probably not gonna leave before 2 a.m. but still being so enthusiastic about your work and I truly admire that.
Davis: Thank you for keeping this house together. I admire your dedication to this place and I’m looking forward to seeing all you do.
Kendall: Although I’m still traumatized by the encampment, I’m incredibly impressed with what you did with the news section. Looking forward to seeing what you do.
Mikey & Tyler: Thanks for bearing with me guys, coming back after long nights and seeing you has just brought so much joy to my life! Let’s have some fun now that I’m free.
Most of my photographers: Thank you for this great semester. I was really impressed with the way you all have grown over the course of the semester. Please know that I couldn’t have done this without you.
Everyone else: Thank you. You all have made this ride super special, really changing my college experience thus far. Don’t forget that y’all are doing really important work. I know this job is really hard and takes a lot out of you but it’s all worth it in the end.
I feel like it’s time for me to move on now. But just know, y’all are super special and it’s been such a pleasure getting to know you! And finally, for one last time, good night everybody!