Duck: Olivia Boyer

Flynn Ledoux | Illustration Editor
I can’t express how much The Daily Orange has given me. There are so many people I want to thank for my time in this wonderful place.
Nate Lechner: I know I might’ve been your personality hire, but thank you for opening me up to this crazy place. You’re the most chaotic writer I’ve ever seen, but you pull it off every time. Thank you for teaching me how to be the writer I am today.
Kelly Matlock: What a crazy ride it’s been! I have enjoyed watching you grow into the journalist you are today.
Rose Boehm: I adore you, girl! Thank you for being my friend and listening to me rant about some insane thing happening at the moment. I’m so excited to see what you do as culture editor, you deserve it.
Savannah Stewart: Seeing you grow as a writer and staffer has been amazing. You are such a wonderful person, with such strong, valid opinions. Congratulations on an amazing semester, and don’t forget about me!
Sydney Brockington: You are my graphic inspiration. Your ability to come up with the most beautiful, creative ideas drives me to get better every single day. I’ve loved working side-by-side with you, I hope we can do it again some day.
Teddy Hudson: You’re easily one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met. Print nights with Teddy genuinely changed my life. I’ll never forget your Chili’s Old Fashioned, my brain chemistry is forever changed because of you. I hope your dreams of becoming a film professor come true one day.
Stefanie Mitchell: You’re my dig twin flame. I adore you oh so much, and I hope one day I can be like you. Quick question: what’s your favorite moral panic? It’s cool, we all know what it is. I will miss talking to you and I can’t wait to see where you go xo.
Kyle Chouinard: You were always a friendly face to see around the house, I’ll miss seeing you around. Have a wonderful summer and all the success in the world.
Anish Vasudevan: Thanks for putting up with me, congrats on ESPN!
Davis Hood: Thank you for being the office therapist, and helping me with my coding always. I hope you see some cool sea life this summer.
Lars Jendruschewitz: YOU ARE SO FUNNY. Thank you for being my friend, I can’t wait to see what you do as photo editor.
Kaia Wirth: You’re the coolest person I’ve ever met. Thank you for being my BFF in the house, I can’t wait to work together again (wink wink). Have so much fun in Madrid!
Cassie Roshu: You are the reason I’ve worked for the D.O. Thank you for introducing me to such a wonderful organization, without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. You’re gonna kill it as DME, I can’t wait to see what you do with all the talent you have.
Rachel Raposas: You are my D.O. mom. I am so inspired by your talent and strength every single day. Don’t forget about me once you’re out in the world.
Spring ‘24 culture staff: You guys are awesome, I’ll miss working with you.
Leah Cohn, Fernanda Kligerman, Lucía Santoro-Vélez and Cole Ross: Y’all inspire me to be cooler every single day. I can’t wait to see the amazing things you do.