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When you can smoke, grow and buy marijuana in New York – The Daily Orange
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When you can smoke, grow and buy marijuana in New York

When you can smoke, grow and buy marijuana in New York

New York residents could be waiting until 2022 before retail sales begin. Daily Orange File Illustration

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced last week that New York state would legalize recreational marijuana.

The state will set up its Office of Cannabis Management and Cannabis Control Board to regulate the industry under the new legislation. This means that New York residents could be waiting until 2022 before retail sales begin.

Cuomo has consulted with Norman Birenbaum, the director of cannabis programs, and Axel Bernabe, assistant counsel to the governor, on his marijuana reform plan.

As New York enters a new era of marijuana legalization, here’s a timeline of what marijuana sales and distribution will look like going forward:


Now that marijuana is legal in the state, residents can smoke marijuana in public spaces where cigarette smoking is allowed.

Smoking in schools, workplaces and other places where tobacco is prohibited is still illegal. The Office of Cannabis Management and Cannabis Control Board could create additional regulations that prohibit marijuana use in certain places.


New York residents age 21 and older can also now legally possess up to three ounces of marijuana and 24 grams of marijuana concentrates.

The state will also now expunge previous non-violent marijuana-related convictions from criminal records. These convictions have disproportionately impacted communities of color across New York state.


The state will soon establish the Office of Cannabis Management and the Cannabis Control Board to regulate marijuana use and sale across the state. The board will have five members, three of whom will be appointed by the governor. Each legislative house will choose one member.

The state will also further develop its medical marijuana program to expand its list of qualifying medical conditions and offer more products.

New York residents over the age of 21 will also be allowed to grow up to six marijuana plants, three mature and three immature, at home. Households will be limited to 12 marijuana plants, no matter the number of adults.


It could take up to two years for recreational marijuana sales to begin.

Municipalities within the state who opt not to host marijuana businesses must submit paperwork by the end of 2021. No municipality can prohibit marijuana usage, but they will be permitted to limit sales.

The state also plans to set up a licensing program for marijuana use at various “lounges” as well as a marijuana delivery program. Regulations for lounges and deliveries will be developed in the future.