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5 notable national news stories from the past week

5 notable national news stories from the past week

It was announced this week that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was diagnosed with brain cancer after receiving surgery to remove a blood clot above his eye. Moriah Ratner | Staff Photographer

From a White House resignation to O.J. Simpson making headlines again, it was a busy week for news in the United States. Here are some of the biggest stories from the past week.

It’s a moving podium after all

Comedian Melissa McCarthy might have had the right idea with her moving podium skit on Saturday Night Live. The media went into a frenzy this week when press secretary Sean Spicer resigned from his position after President Donald Trump appointed Anthony Scaramucci as his new communications director. According to The New York Times, Spicer rejected Trump’s offer to stay on board as press secretary, working under Scaramucci, and added that it would “add to the confusion and uncertainty already engulfing the White House.” Later on Friday, Trump appointed Sarah Huckabee Sanders who will assume the role of press secretary in place of Spicer.

ratner_moriah13Moriah Ratner | Staff Photographer

Pardon me?

Saturday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted about the president’s “complete power to pardon,” stirring up some controversy in the media because of the implication that he could even pardon himself or those close to him. These tweets come just days after investigations and discussions about Russia’s role, if any, in meddling in the last U.S. election. In the tweet, Trump followed up his statement by saying “While all agree the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

“Give em’ hell”

Last week, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was diagnosed with brain cancer after having an aggressive tumor removed. According to CNN, the senator underwent surgery to remove a blood clot. After being tested, the clot revealed the presence of brain cancer. McCain was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive cancer that forms in the tissue of the brain and the spinal cord. Several politicians have spoken out about the diagnosis. According to NBC News, Kelli Ward, an Arizona Republican who lost to McCain in the Republican primary in 2016, urged McCain to resign from his post, suggesting that she would be a good replacement. Former President Barack Obama took to Twitter to voice his support: “John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I’ve ever known. Cancer doesn’t know what it’s up against. Give it hell, John.”


Emily Gnat | Staff Illustrator

Here’s a tip–tip your driver 

Last Monday, Uber introduced a new feature on its app that allows riders to tip their drivers up to 30 days after their trip has ended. Uber’s main competitor, Lyft, has always had the option to tip and because of this the company’s drivers have earned $200 million in tips, according to Fortune. Uber’s new option to tip comes as a result of the 180 Days of Change campaign to improve driver experience, ride-hailing company Uber introduced a tipping option.

The juice is loose

O.J. Simpson is making headlines again after being granted parole on a vote of 4-0 by the Nevada Board of Parole. Simpson has served the minimum nine years of a 33-year sentence for armed robbery and kidnapping. According to The Washington Post, Simpson will not be leaving Nevada’s Lovelock Correctional Center until this fall, and after being released, he plans to spend time with family and friends. Simpson’s attorney, Malcolm LaVergne said in an interview that Simpson “is looking forward to spending a lot of time with his family. There were loved ones who have passed away, who he wants to honor them at their graves. He wants to live a quiet life.”