SU, city groups participate in National Voter Registration Day

Over 5 million people have registered to vote on National Voter Registration Day since its founding. Several organizations across the city of Syracuse will hold informational election events in celebration. Cassandra Roshu | Digital Managing Editor
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Organizations across the city of Syracuse plan to distribute voter registration forms and hold informational election events on Tuesday in celebration of National Voter Registration Day.
NVRD, a nonpartisan civic holiday, aims to maximize voter participation in November’s United States general elections, according to its website. Several local organizations — including Syracuse University and multiple central New York public libraries — will participate in the initiative.
Throughout the day, these groups will guide prospective voters through the registration process and provide information on voting dates and sites.
Since the organization’s founding, over 5 million Americans have registered to vote on the holiday, according to NVRD. It also focuses on college campuses, which have high populations of first-time voters.
Starting Tuesday, SU will provide its students with voting resources and information on the first floor of Bird Library, the university first announced on Friday. SU libraries began carrying voter registration forms on Monday and will continue to do so through Oct. 25, which is one day before the New York state registration deadline.
The university’s Office of Government and Community Relations is another resource for students who need help registering to vote.
SUNY ESF’s Office of the Dean of Students will also offer voter registration assistance to its community members. Interested voters can obtain the required forms in room 110 of ESF’s Bray Hall.
Outside of initiatives offered by SU and ESF, canvassing organizations like The Outreach Team have canvassed on college campuses throughout the semester. Other groups, including the local New York Public Interest Research Group chapter, have encouraged SU and ESF students to engage with NVRD on social media.
In the broader Syracuse community, Northern Onondaga Public Library will observe the holiday by offering registration forms, information on how to register and how to update registration information at all of its branches across the Syracuse area. All NOPL locations will provide these forms until Oct. 26.
Liverpool Public Library will hold a similar event to encourage voter registration with the assistance of library staff and volunteers. The library’s registration session will run from 2 p.m to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Ahead of NVRD, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul released a statement encouraging New Yorkers to visit participating locations and register to vote.
“National Voter Registration Day is an important opportunity to foster engagement in our democracy,” Hochul said in the release. “Our democratic institutions are only as strong as the voters who participate in them, and I encourage every eligible New Yorker to make their voice heard.”
In New York state, voters can register to vote online or by mail. The registration deadline for New Yorkers is on Oct. 26, 10 days before Election Day. Individuals must submit registration forms to their New York State Board of Elections.
Voters intending to vote by mail can request absentee ballots through New York state’s government website. Applications for mail in ballots must be received by the voter’s county board of elections by Oct. 26. Election day is Nov. 5.