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Duck: Rachel Raposas

Duck: Rachel Raposas

Asst. Copy Editor | Spring 2022; Culture Editor | Fall 2022; Managing Editor | Spring 2023 Remi Jose | Illustration Editor

Small word count so no intro, let’s go!

Louis, Abby, & Sydney: Your culture section is what made me love the D.O. Realistically, I would have never come here if not for you. Abby, it’s been so lovely having you back, and I know your next steps will be big. Thank you all for showing me what’s to love about this place.

Nate: When you asked me to apply for culture editor a year ago, I thought you were joking. I’m glad you weren’t. Your section is the one that made me want to stay in this house for another year. I tried to carry on your energy and touch in culture, and I hope Anthony and I have made you proud. Thank you for always, always seeing the potential in me.

Culture, Spring 2022: You all taught me that culture was the best section. After spending too much time with the other sections, I can confirm this is still true.

Emily: You’ve been such an incredible woman to learn from. I aspire to be like you. Your support knows no bounds, and I’m so proud to call you a friend. Thank you for always pushing me in the right direction.

Mandy: You were the first M.E. I worked with, and what a kind, genuine ME you were. I’ve done my best to live up to your standards, and I hope that if you’ve been keeping tabs on the D.O. that I’ve made you proud.

Shantel & Kate: You guys really carried the vibes of the culture section. I miss walking into the room just for you guys to blindside me with lore. Kate, I’m so happy you’re coming back — I’ll be back to visit! You both hold such a special place in my heart.

Ofentse: It’s been so lovely having another writing major in the house. You think exclusively in big ideas, and I know that’s going to take you so far in life. Your kindness and wisdom made culture such a wonderful place to be. Thanks for all the coverages I swindled you into and for the hugs I couldn’t ask for.

Cole: When I entered management, I fully just hated sports. And now I don’t — you were such an organized headed that I came to appreciate sports the most. Thanks for making Rachel reacts, tolerating my “swider in finals,” and indulging me every time I tried to spin a basketball on my finger.

Hamere: You were a really admirable op editor this semester. Your drive to stick to what you believe in, even when it’s not easy, is going to take you far. Thanks for coming back in house one more time.

Kendall, Stephanie W, & Dom: You guys are the dream team of news assistants, honestly. Great vibes, die-hard D.O. people, laying on the floor enthusiasts. You all have such bright futures ahead of you, as writers, journalists, and editors. You’re the future of the news section! I’ll miss you so much, but I’ll be back to visit.

Stephanie Z & Santiago: Design icons. You guys produced some beautiful visuals for us this semester, and your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. Thanks to you guys, the visuals room was always the best room in the house to be in. Come back and visit.

Cassie & Maxine: You both are so ready to be photo editors! Time and time again your talent has made the D.O. beautiful and special. I’m so proud of you both.

Bridget: From Spanish buddies to D.O. overlords. I was ecstatic when you came in house, and I know you’ll be amazing as the next presentation director! I’m always here if you need me.

Siron: Your absence was felt this semester. You were the best part about coming into the house every day — your energy lights up a room, and your smile is contagious. I miss you so much, and with all my newfound free time, I hope we see each other more next semester.

Maya: In every sense, you’re my cool older sister. I can’t believe you’re literally graduating in a few weeks, but your designs are so amazing that I am certain you’ll forge the future you deserve. I love you, and I was so lucky to have met you.

Kelly & Evelyn: It’s been so wonderful watching you grow, from some of my most consistent writers last semester to members of the culture section. Have fun abroad Evvy, and Kelly, I’m always here if you need me next semester as an assistant!

Nate Lechner: Fun fact: last semester, you were one of the culture section’s favorite writers because you always did your own hyperlinks in your articles. And now look at you, culture king! You’re joining a long line of people who were just trying their best but ended up doing really great things for the paper. I’m always here if you need help, advice, or if you just need to rant. I’m so proud of you already, and I can’t wait to see where you take the section.

Mom, Christine, Grandma, Tatay, & Loafie: You’re the most supportive family I could have ever asked for. Thank you for always giving me the right advice and shoulders to cry on. Loaf, your photo will live in the D.O. forever.

Madhu: Your days of waiting up for me until 3 a.m. and your hours of listening to me rant about this place are officially over! Thank you for always being around to support me, and encouraging me to do the things that scare me. You never once doubted me, and I feel like that’s why I got this far.

Anish: You were such a great sports editor when I worked with you, and I know you’ll be an even greater EIC. But EIC or not, you’ll always be culture’s side hoe.

Maggie: I never understood you when you spoke about being managing editor last semester — what it was like, what to expect, what it does to you. Now that I’m on the other side of it all, I finally understand. It was such an honor that you trusted me with this position, and your guidance was exactly what I needed this semester. You always supported me and always saw the best in me, and for that I’ll always be grateful.

Sophia: I’ve said this a few times, but I’ll never be able to thank this place enough for bringing us together. I’ve met a lot of people here, but none quite like you. I didn’t know what the D.O. would be like without you, and it was hard finding that out on my own; but in house or not, you’ve supported me in every way possible, and I hope I’ve done that for you. I’m so proud of everything you’ve done and so excited for everything you will be. You’ll be my sister forever.

Rainu: The house is so much emptier without you. You were a truly amazing headed and an even better friend. You were one of the only reasons I made it through last semester. Looking forward to more of your Latin poetry and seeing you more now that I’m finally done.

Hank: I will hear you saying “RACHEL” in the batman voice in my dreams for years to come. You’re that unique kind of person that I can laugh with most of the time but commiserate with when I eventually need it. You’ve been a brother to me this semester, and I’ll miss seeing you for hours on end everyday. I’m glad that of all the people I could have been in management with, it was you.

Richard: My first semester, I simply did not know who you were. My second semester, I was mildly scared of you. My third and final semester, you were like a brother that had the zoomies a lot toward the end. You were an incredible EIC; if you could weather this storm, you can do anything. I was scared to be in management, and while it was a hard semester, you and Hank made it my best semester here. I’ll miss seeing you every day. I’m so proud of everything you’ve become.

Jana: You’re so strong. Just in general. Thanks for always blowing up copy_team with me, for commiserating with me, for always walking home with me, for random girlies nights with me. I feel like we’re bonded on a different level, and I have such a special love for you.

Meghan: I have no idea what I would have done without you the last two semesters. Thanks for making sure I get home safe, for the random photo drives, for the cool food spreads, for the two-sided rants, for little snacks when I was sad in management, for literally everything. I’m a better woman because of you. Whatever you do in life, it’ll be big, and I’ll be right there to support you.

Culture, Fall 2022: You are my family. Thank you for banding together when the work was too much, for the culture wine nights, for putting up with me wearing a literal crown half the time. I stayed another semester because I developed too deep a love for you all to leave. No headed — past, present, or future — will be as lucky as I was, because I had you.

Sophie: I hung up a bunch of your stories on the walls of management. It’s to remind you that you earned your place in that room. You’ve done amazing things so far, and I’m stunned by how you always manage to outdo yourself. And you’ll always be the reason culture got on the front page for the first time. I’m so, so incredibly proud of you, and whatever you need, I’ll be there. I’ll miss your spud jokes, and your willingness to always lay on the floor with me. Love you so much

Anthony: You were the first person in this house to make me feel heard. Taking on more and more responsibility in this house was scary but you were right beside me the whole time, and then all of it was a little less scary. After three semesters here, I’m glad we’re heading out together. I don’t know what this house will be without you, and I’m kind of glad I won’t be around to find out. Love you long time bud.

Kyle: I’ve tried to prepare you as best I could, but there’s some things you just can’t prepare for. But truly, if anyone can do it, it’s you. Your love for journalism, for editing, for the people in this house is honestly inspiring. That love is going to steer the paper in the right direction.

I couldn’t have done any of this without you. I probably wouldn’t have. You taught me how to be a headed, a leader, and all of my successes have your fingerprints on them. I couldn’t have done this without you, but I know you can do it without me. I love you.

• • •

My name is written on the walls of this house. I never thought I would actually earn that right. But my name is only plastered on various corners of the building because of all the people who came before me.

I found a family here. It’s been a journey, a long and tiring journey, but one I’d absolutely do again. I love you all.