Duck: Shantel Guzman

Nikkos Savioli | Contributing Illustrator
No matter how many bylines I collect throughout my career, my Daily Orange byline will always be the most special. I have been lucky to meet some of the most talented and remarkable people during my semesters in house. Here are just a few:
Digital assistants
You guys were the absolute best this semester and I’ll miss you all. I’ll miss our chants, our rose, buds and thorns, our weird meeting times and everything in between.
From scaring me in the upstairs hallway to being my boss, we’ve come so far. I never would’ve come back this semester if it weren’t for you. Thanks for talking me into it (sort of). Also, thanks for always, nicely, calling out my mistakes and reminding me to link in bio… You always made me look forward to digital meetings and coming to the house.
You’re such an incredible leader and I’m so glad I got to finally work with you this semester. I’m so glad you chose to come back this semester, because I think you’re exactly what The DO needed. I can’t wait to see what you do.
Kyle and Richard
Also known as what’s left of the fall 2021 news section. You guys are both incredibly talented writers, editors and leaders. I’m so lucky to have gotten my start in the DO with both of you. I’ll miss you guys because I’m leaving for real this time. Have fun without us Richard.
I knew you were a star from the first time I met you. You’ve made it so far and you’re gonna be the absolute best news editor. You’re one of the most talented writers I’ve ever met and I can’t wait to see how far you make it. You’ve made my time in house x10000 better. Lots of love.
Abby W.
You were the first person that made the DO feel like a home to me. Thanks for teaching me everything I know about digital.
The way you handle everything with such grace and patience is so impressive to me. You’re going to make it so far.
Our honorary culture member. I’ll miss having you wander into culture everyday you’re going to be an incredible DME and I wouldn’t want to share my birthday with anyone else.
Emily S.
You were an incredible leader last year. You handled everything with such patience and grace. I can’t wait to see how far you go.
Friends and family
Thanks for reading all my articles and always helping me find sources. I couldn’t have done this without you all.
Culture Chaos
Culture… I don’t even know where to start. No matter how bad my day was, the minute I showed up to the house you all always made it better. I’ll miss our stupid jokes, our floor time, our weekend recaps, and above all, our chaos. I know each and every one of you is going to make it so far in your lives and I can’t wait to see it.
Our fearless leader and our culture queen, you were an amazing culture editor and I wouldn’t have wanted to work for anyone else. Thanks for making me a better writer and for all your patience with all of us. Even though you’re younger than me you’re still the culture mom. I know you’re management now, but you’ll always be my culture queen.
You always kept it so real and always brought us back to reality. I’ll especially miss the chaos you created in that room. I’m now passing my dig torch to you.
Anthony I mean bossman, I’m so excited to see you take over culture and see how you make the best section in the DO even better. I also can’t wait to see more skateboarding content come from you.
Kate Kelley
Enjoy these wise words written just for you. You went from being a little lost sophomore whose name I didn’t know for weeks to one of my favorite people ever. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be known as “Shantel’s little friend.” I’ll miss being entertained by your weekend shenanigans. No one will ever be able to distract me from my work the way you can. Have fun in London and New York. I know I don’t have to tell you because you already will, but go crazy go stupid where ever you go.
For the 3 weeks we worked the same days you always made me so happy. You’re one of the most positive and insightful people I’ve ever met, and I’m gonna miss seeing you every week at Sunday meetings.
My dig buddy. I wouldn’t have wanted to work dig with anyone else. Thanks for being so easy to work with. You’re such a talented writer and I can’t wait to see where you go.
I love you culture.
Thank you Daily Orange.