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Scholars speak out against antisemitism found in Pan Am 103 archives – The Daily Orange
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Scholars speak out against antisemitism found in Pan Am 103 archives

Scholars speak out against antisemitism found in Pan Am 103 archives

In remembering the deaths of Jason and Eric Coker, we do not honor or celebrate the hate and antisemitism they carried with them and left behind. Meghan Hendricks | Photo Editor

The 2022-2023 Remembrance and Lockerbie Scholar Cohort stands against antisemitism and all other forms of hate and bias. We strongly condemn the hateful and antisemitic language and symbols found in Jason and Eric Coker’s archival material.

The undersigned would like to express that the way Jason and Eric Coker have been honored the past 35 years is disingenuous to the information uncovered. We must alter the way they are remembered. We will continue to include their names in Remembrance events this year along with the other 268 victims to commemorate the tragedy of Pan Am Flight 103. However, the inclusion of Jason and Eric Coker’s names carries a different meaning. We are not honoring and celebrating their hateful actions. We are remembering their deaths as a result of terrorism. We are not honoring their legacy of hate.

In the spirit of acting forward, this cohort will refocus the mission of Remembrance toward education and advocacy that combat hatred, specifically antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism. We hope to lay the foundation for future cohorts of Remembrance and Lockerbie Scholars to continue this work. We feel the best way to remember those who died in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 is to fight against hate, which is what ultimately killed them.

Adam Landry, Aidaruus Shirwa, Amanda Lalonde, Amreeta Verma, Car Shapiro, Cori Dill, Dara Drake, Diane Benites, Emily Steinberger, Emma Dahmen, Fabryce Fetus, Ivy Lin, Jaime Heath, Janice Poe, Jenna Merry, Josh Meyers, Julianna Mercado, Karina Freeland, Kinley Gaudette, Louis Smith, Mackenzie Quinn, Maggie Sardino, Mira Berenbaum, Nadia Nelson, Ofentse Mokoka, Olivia Budelmann, Riley Moore, Riya Gupta, Ronny Ditchek, Sasha Temerte, Sifan Hunde, Taylor Stover