Annual Central New York Brewfest returns this weekend

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
Central New York Brewfest is back for its 23rd year, featuring 132 breweries from central New York and across the country. Patrons can sample more than 200 beers at the festival, which is set for Saturday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the New York State Fairgrounds’ Horticulture Building.
Jason Purdy, organizer of CNY Brewfest, said that when planning this year’s event, providing a variety of breweries while focusing on the customer experience was key.
“I enjoy the rush in the beginning and then the exhale once everything is underway,” Purdy said.
This year’s event is divided into multiple sessions — each accommodating 1,500 people — running through the day. Along with the beer tasting, guests can also enjoy live music and a viewing party of the Syracuse-Pittsburgh men’s basketball game at 6 p.m. Saturday.
The event will also feature VIP tickets and designated driver options. With only 300 tickets per VIP session available, the VIP option allows one-hour early entry, featuring 10 specialty kegs. Designated driver tickets are available for $20 at the door.
Chris Spencer, a longtime participant of the CNY Brewfest and the general manager of the local tavern The Evergreen, said the event allows guests to taste different styles of beer that are outside of their comfort zones — without the danger of experiencing “buyer’s regret.”
“Brewfest showcases both beers that are available and many more that are not normally or ever available,” Spencer said.
Purdy, owner of Now & Later — a bottle shop and tap room located in Syracuse — has been running the event for the past three years. Purdy said his goal this year is to improve the festival from last year, especially by finding rarer beers not readily available in the Syracuse market.
With last year’s attendance reaching a record high, the CNY Brewfest has also revamped its ticketing process to help benefit each beer lover’s experience.
The Central New York Brewfest is celebrating its 23rd year with more than 100 breweries and more than 200 beers to sample from central New York and across the United States. Courtesy of Jason Purdy
Some of the newer brewers who will be featured at this year’s event include The Alchemist (Vermont), Magnify Brewing Company (New Jersey), Modern Times Beer (California) and Jackie O’s Brewpub (Ohio).
Along with the new faces at this year’s Brewfest, Purdy said some of his old favorites will be returning, as well. These veteran breweries include Southern Tier Brewery (New York), Founders Brewing Co. (Michigan) and Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. (California).
Dennis Flynn of Founders Brewing Co. said he’s excited to return to the festival with crafted India pale ales and draft beers for patrons to sample. Flynn said his goal this year is to have as many people try new beers and inform guests on what’s coming next for the company.
Middle Ages Brewing Co.’s, Isaac Rubenstein has participated every year since its inception, with his parents heavily involved in the planning of the CNY Brewfest early on.
“We don’t do many brew fests, but we love to do this one because it is one of the best brew fests in CNY,” Rubenstein said.