Duck: Rori Sachs

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
The Daily Orange isn’t just a newspaper. It isn’t just an organization to put on your resume. The Daily Orange is a home. It’s one of the only places for which you’d give up 12 hours on a Sunday to format pages on an old dusty computer, compile countless community events or edit videos until Adobe Premiere crashes.
When I first arrived at Syracuse, I decided to attend The Daily Orange’s open house on a whim. It was single handedly the best decision I made in college.
One page isn’t even close to the amount of space needed to describe what a great impact The Daily Orange has had on me. While in-house, I became close to so many incredible people, many of whom are lifelong friends. Even though my time working in-house is over, The D.O. will always hold a huge place in my heart. Thank you to everyone who helped make my time here so meaningful.
Jordan Bowens: I can’t thank you enough for quitting. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have found my college family.
Clare: The day you called me out of the blue to offer me the design editor position is one of the most important days of my college career. I found my place at The D.O. and in college under your guidance — but you’re no Papa John’s Pizza.
Michael McCleary and Nick Alvarez: Thank you for playing pong with me at my first ever D.O. function when I had no friends. McCleary, now we’re even.
Ali: No one else understands the struggle of walking back to BBB from The D.O. at obscene hours like you do. From being COM 117 partners, freshman designers and now roomies, we’ve been through so much together and I can’t wait for the next chapter in our friendship.
Justin Mattingly: Thank you for being such a positive mentor in the house and always checking in on me. Go team.
Brooke and Sarah Slavin: I am so sad I didn’t get to spend more time working with you guys but I am so glad I can’t wait to see what you do next. I’ll be watching.
Bridget: Let’s hang out in the cargo bed of a truck again sometime.
Josh: So when are we filming Syracuse Stallions?
Kaci: I am so inspired by your resiliency as the only woman in sports.
Maeve: I’m so glad I convinced you to apply for Digital Editor because you’re going to do a knockout job.
Katie Czerwinski: There was a Katie-sized hole in digital this semester because you truly revolutionized digital design.
Anna: I always loved the days you worked because you crack me up. Hope I get an invite to your wedding with Sam.
Molly Gibbs: Thank you for never yelling at me for stomping up the stairs even though your eyes say it all.
Haley Robertson: I will always be down to collaborate with you on a GUncle story. Dylan wya?
Aishwarya: I am so glad we stuck together as heads of underrepresented sections. I can’t wait to see the kickass job you’ll do as ME. Op/video collab?
Matthew Gutierrez: You’re the OG stud.
Ally Moreo: I truly miss seeing your smiling face in visuals. Love you to Blue Dolphin and back.
Diana: You absolutely lit up digital this semester. You are one of the funniest and most detail-oriented people and I will greatly miss developing video copy and stealing thirds at pup food with you.
Brigid: You are one of the reasons I moved to video. I miss your positive energy but I am so excited that you’re working in NYC.
Connor: Thanks for always laughing at my dumb jokes.
Stacy: You always knew which song to play to get the energy up in Pulp. I will always remember you by your Crocs and charisma.
Nickie, Nav and the rest of the DoomForce team: Thank you for always supporting my endeavors at The D.O. even if that meant I would miss countless practices, tournaments, and parties. Senior year is going to rock!
Bri: Architecture students don’t usually work at The D.O. but if they did, you would be the first to join. Thank you for being The D.O.’s biggest fan. You were my rock to come home to on late nights. Love you so much.
Kateri: I always loved gossiping about frisbee with you in-house. You keep it so real and having so much compassion for those around you and I’m so lucky to call you my friend.
Audra: It was only a matter of time until you joined The D.O. You are one of the most driven and compassionate people I know and were the best freshman year RA. You’ve grown on me like the mold in Brew 12.
Kevin Camelo: Let’s go get some munchickens sometime. Remember that time you requested $5,000 from me on Facebook. Ha. Please stay out of that cult.
Jordan: My fellow Jew! Thank you for putting up with my teasing. I can’t wait for the day you transition to video.
Catherine Leffert: Eres una persona que admiro. Tienes un novio muy agradable. I absolutely can’t wait to spend the next four months with you in Madrid!
Talia: You are such a selfless and positive force at The Daily Orange. I am going to miss our trips to Kubal so much.
Rachel Sandler: Even though you’re terrible at directions, I can always rely on you to spill the tea, especially in San Francisco.
Alexa Torrens: You were by far my favorite person to tease. You have a unique ability to command every room you walk into and there’s no doubt you’ll go far with whatever you choose to do. Thank you for being the best mentor and friend.
Sam: You say you only wanted to be a reporter but you were born to lead. You excel at everything you do and do it so humbly. I can always count on you for advice and a laugh. Here’s to a relaxing senior year! Wait, what?
Sandhya: Deciding to share a particular beverage at The New York State Fair was the start of an amazing friendship. I can always count on you for literally anything. From formals to impromptu shopping sprees, I’m so lucky to call you one of my closest friends.
Lauren Plattman, Anna, Ali: I couldn’t be more excited for the future of the video staff. With you guys involved, I know the section is in great hands.
Lauren Miller: The day you volunteered hours of your time during Theta Tau was the day I knew you were meant to work at The D.O. The passion you infuse into everything you do is truly inspiring. No matter the path you choose to go down, whether it be video or photo or something of the like, the world will be a better place with you in it.
Mackenzie: I have never seen anyone involved in so many activities. You truly bring out the best in others and always have a smile on your face and I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to assume the position of Video Editor next semester. There’s no doubt you’re going to go far and can’t wait to watch you along your journey.
Lucy: I’ve told you before, and I will tell you time and time again, even though you sometimes doubt it: you are so talented and have made such a tangible impact on this organization. I enjoyed every second of working alongside you and I can’t wait to watch you in all your design adventures.
Tomer: You were one of the reasons I decided not to transfer. Thank you for not judging me for ordering Asahi every week. You are such a positive person and become friends with everyone you meet and that’s something I truly admire. Even though I don’t condone your gambling addiction, meet me at Turning Stone?
Emma: Nights both in and out of The D.O. were infinitely better with you. I have truly looked up to you since freshman year because of your insane drive and passion for what you do. From the bowling alley to adventures in Turning Stone to breaking into insomnia, you are my partner-in-crime and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t wait for more crazy adventures ahead.
Andy: I don’t know what The D.O. would be without you. Even though you don’t always believe this, you are insanely talented and have this amazing way of uniting everyone you meet. Ironically though, the best times we had at The D.O. didn’t involve working at all. You don’t know how much I will miss hiding in trash cans during pup food, listening to DJ Earworm mashups and filming AOTP (or not). I am so, so lucky that I got to work so closely with one of my very best friends but this is definitely not the end. Is that Indian Food? <3 Wowwy
Lydia: When you first entered the house as Pulp Assistant, I did not think we would be friends. Today, you are one of my closest friends in the house, let alone the entire world. I am so inspired by your love for those around you and there is no doubt in my mind that one day you will change the world. There is no place I’d rather be on a Friday night than critiquing movies at Destiny or cooking Trader Joe’s Butternut Squash Ravioli. You are a forever friend and sister and I can’t wait for our European adventures.
Mom, Dad, and Jami: Mom, thank you for arranging DPS to escort me from the house to BBB at 2 a.m. freshman year. Dad, thanks for not doing that. I’m sorry I missed so many calls on Sunday evenings but I am infinitely grateful to have the best support system to come home to and cheer me on in all my endeavors. I love you more than words can describe.
744 Ostrom: Even though you might be the reason I developed that disgusting cough, I wouldn’t trade the ripped up couches, rickety stairs, and big red door for the world. You might be gone soon, but you’re forever in my heart.